Tuesday, May 22, 2007


My classes are now on Monday and wed only and its all in the afternoon. So, am sure everyone can guess how lazy, sleepy we all are in class. Thank goodness I have steve to poke fun with, well, that is if he is present in class. Having only two days of classes in a week kinda sucks cos it makes me have no mood to study, very very very lazy to do anything useful, I mean studying. I will be sitting for my paper 4 cbe exam next week and I haven even started studying…..been busy watching tv all day long.

On Sunday Bernie, chang mei and i had dinner together at mr ho. I was sooo happy to find out a new indon restaurant opened at crown square, as there aren’t much indo food here in kuching. And before we went back we makan ice cream again at iglool. And yesterday, Monday, steve dragged me to go teman him makan during our break time afternoon class. So memalukan only, I have been to that place for 4 times in a period of 10 days. And when I told Bernie bout it he says its alrite since he has been there 3 days in a row.

Simon is back in town. The form 6s are gonna have hols soon. Same as chris who is gonna come back next week…..followed by the melb, perth and uk ppl. Kuching sure wont be that quiet anymore.

And now I gotta catch up on my newspaper readings on af. Yup, its over, demam akademi fantasia is over. Happy though, finally there is a girl who won the competition. and I also got some studying to do

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